Sunday School
Sunday School for children 1st through 6th grade is offered on Sunday mornings 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. from the week after Labor Day through the week before Memorial Day.
Starting in fall 2023, we will start at 9:15 a.m. with a snack, followed by activities. All children will gather in our children's chapel at 10 a.m. for an all-ages lesson lasting about 15 minutes. Then English-speaking children will join their parents for the 10:30 a.m. service or vest to serve as acolytes. The Spanish-speaking children may acolyte or join their parents for the in-progress Latino service.
Starting in fall 2023, we will start at 9:15 a.m. with a snack, followed by activities. All children will gather in our children's chapel at 10 a.m. for an all-ages lesson lasting about 15 minutes. Then English-speaking children will join their parents for the 10:30 a.m. service or vest to serve as acolytes. The Spanish-speaking children may acolyte or join their parents for the in-progress Latino service.
Children in 1st grade and older are welcome to help serve during church as acolytes. These acolytes participate in the processional and recessional and help at key moments during the service. Training is provided.
Youth Forum (ages 12-16)
A varied program designed to engage the youth in discussing the Bible, spirituality and matters of faith relevant to their lives and the world in which they live; involving them in the worship, mission and outreach of the church; and giving them confidence in their Christian and Episcopal identity. Several of our Youth attend the monthly Diocesan Youth Program on the first Sunday afternoon of the month. They are also encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities to attend Diocesan Youth events, including Beginnings and Happenings.
Vacation Bible School
Each year we provide a new VBS program, which is either purchased or home grown. These all have a particular theme to encourage faith development, while having a lot of fun. Recent themes have included a Funfair, becoming a monk for a day, and discovering the ins and outs of cathedrals. Science, cooking, woodwork, sewing and other handcrafts are among the many activities offered to support the Bible links and prayers.
Summer Sunday School
For the last few years we have provided a Summer Sunday Program for 3 – 11 year olds. This will be less formal but have a spiritual theme.
Children's Bible Story archive
During the pandemic, the Revd Vanessa Cato recorded children's Bible stories in lieu of Sunday school. Those are preserved in this archive.
Children in 1st grade and older are welcome to help serve during church as acolytes. These acolytes participate in the processional and recessional and help at key moments during the service. Training is provided.
Youth Forum (ages 12-16)
A varied program designed to engage the youth in discussing the Bible, spirituality and matters of faith relevant to their lives and the world in which they live; involving them in the worship, mission and outreach of the church; and giving them confidence in their Christian and Episcopal identity. Several of our Youth attend the monthly Diocesan Youth Program on the first Sunday afternoon of the month. They are also encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities to attend Diocesan Youth events, including Beginnings and Happenings.
Vacation Bible School
Each year we provide a new VBS program, which is either purchased or home grown. These all have a particular theme to encourage faith development, while having a lot of fun. Recent themes have included a Funfair, becoming a monk for a day, and discovering the ins and outs of cathedrals. Science, cooking, woodwork, sewing and other handcrafts are among the many activities offered to support the Bible links and prayers.
Summer Sunday School
For the last few years we have provided a Summer Sunday Program for 3 – 11 year olds. This will be less formal but have a spiritual theme.
Children's Bible Story archive
During the pandemic, the Revd Vanessa Cato recorded children's Bible stories in lieu of Sunday school. Those are preserved in this archive.